Hallo, I am Marion Hübner-also known as Sangitama, which is my spiritual name for Antar Sangitama or 'Inner Harmony'. I grew up in Bavaria, and at young age moved to the area of Wiesbaden near Frankfurt, where I am living now again.  Right after completing high school, I began a training at the Humaniversity, an institute for personal education,  where I lived and worked  for 42 years. 
These  years began with a training in personal development combined with natural healing, and I graduated with the title of being a master of  'Sangi-Do', which means "The Way of Sangi". It includes Eastern and Western healing arts such as acupressure, shiatsu, Do In, macrobiotics, Qi Gong, rebirthing, bioenergetics, deep tissue massage. 
In the 70' Veeresh Denny Yuson  was sent  by Phoenix House New York to the London to to work with drug addicts in a therapeutic community setting. After revealing my own history in addiction, I was so fortunate to receive his training as well. 
In 1986 I started as  a staff member and then became the supervisor of the residential addiction program of the Humaniversity  (HAPI.) The therapeutic community is the 'heart' of the HAPI and the foundation of the Humaniversity.

I further certified in Germany as healing practitioner in 1996 and started a practice at the Humaniversity. I trained with the Ayurvedic doctor Shyam Singha, who also was Osho's doctor in India in the 70', and wrote the book 'Natural Secret of Health" to preserve some of his prescious work. 

I studied with Dr. Klinghardt from 1997, and still learn from him to day. 
Dr. Klinghardt  has very high competence in combining  the fields of medicine and healing with his rich practical experience as doctor in integrative medicine. I  certified  in regulation diagnostics (A.R.T.), psychokinesiology and mentalfield therapy at the INK, Germany.

To deepen the aspects of trauma therapy in the context of the polyvagal theory, 
I studied  trauma healing with Dr. Dietrich Sternberg and Pia Baerwald, HP,  based on the work of Dr. Peter Levine and his 'Somatic Experiencing Method.'

With the author of two books in darkfield microscopy, Christiane Häring, I completed a training in darkfield microscopy. 
 I  also studied for 2 years with the spiritual teacher KRYON and received the certificate of being a lightworker. 
Five years ago I experienced with Master Sha mantras for healing and forgiveness. Deeply touched by the experience, I began to sing and play guitar on a daily base together with like-hearted people. I trained at Beat Drop and the Beat Academy how to use Ableton Studio to create songs for meditation and mantras as well as a way to process my own experiences. Jonathan Goldman's work let me experience the deep connection between vibration and intent. To understand more about the scientific background I recently studied "Advanced Secrets of Frequency Medicine, Sonic Science & Cymatics",  with Dr. John Reid, the researcher and developer of the CYMASCOPE. Presently I develop affirmations, songs and meditations to create healing vibrations.